
It's time for Christians to take a stand...

...or is it? Perpetuated by the fear mongers, our church voted today to amend our constition to make absolutely sure that no gay people would ever be married there. No matter that it is already illegal in Michigan - twice over. Apparently there was need to take action because the law could change at any moment and droves of homosexuals could run into our church demanding to be married, and if we don't have a clear statement we will be S.O.L... or so the thought process goes. Apparently they think that the supreme court couldn't make them allow gay marriage if we had an existing statement in place.

What a waste of time. Eight months wasted, when we should have been about the politics of Christ.


Seeing a picture of the future...

Every once in a while you get to see what your life will be like in a few years...

Tonight, as Emma and Marianne came over for respite from their waterless house of construction, a duet filled my living room. Normally when two or more Rudds combine to make music I'm a bit frightened... but this wasn't so bad. It was actually kind of nice to listen to.

I'm so excited to see Maya grow and eventually be able to make music with her mommy... only 9,158,400 seconds until you're supposed to come out. I can't wait!