
I Miss My Girl


Wags said...

I was wondering when that was coming! I can't get the video to play though... ):

Ryan said...

try it again... it takes a bit to load.

Wags said...

there is nothing that is even loading! there's no status bar just the quicktime logo... there is no video there.... at least not what I can see...

Andrea Wagenmaker said...

There is nothing there for us either, Ryan. -Andrea

Anonymous said...

Ryan - I just get a message saying that I am missing a needed component to display and it's not available at the QuikTime website. It's probably only available to the Apple Cultists! Now I know why your musings are unheard.

Wags said...

it won't work on my mac though either..

Kate Rudd said...

Ryan is clearly taunting us. what's new.

Anonymous said...

I downloaded the latest version of QuickTime and got it to play. I think I prefer the original to the doctored. Why does Blogger want me to spell neiidvk for them. Is this site run by the Russian mafia?

Rick said...

The video worked for me - and my prayers are really going now! Aw crap - he's already home!