
Late Chicago Update

...So most of you have probably read Ang's post on our chicago trip. We had a great time and always seem to enjoy the city and each other. Our hotel was beautiful, the city was perfect, IKEA was bigger than I thought it would be, but I think I miss the burrito the most.

The one bad part about living in Michigan is the lack of Chipotle.


Kate Rudd said...

um, there may be some comfort.. the Chipotle burrito looks *exactly* like a Qdoba burrito. Michigan has Qdoba(kzoo especially), and if you haven't tried it yet you must.
Love ya!

Kim said...

Mmmmmmmm...Chicago food. Where was this restaurant? I believe I need to go there.

Jason said...

I have to challenge the notion that Qdoba and Chipotle are the same... While Qdoba is a good alternative, a Chipotle burrito has a distinct taste advantage over the other. Can't quite place my tounge on it...

Everyone can be jealous that here in CO, we have both restaurants and the choice of which one is usually made once the car is running...

Erica said...

I have been craving a Chipotle burrito since reading this post. Thanks.