

Since we have lived in our house on Forest Hills we have noticed an interesting phenomenon that occurs most nights. (No cheap jokes please) It seems that the sand company down the road uses its pumps all night. This activity - aside from ruining our natural barrier from the elements - shakes the entire neighborhood in a tapping, rhythmic fashion. Often, we will have just fallen asleep when the pumps start up and the rattling begins. Usually, the problem can be solved by securing a closet door that is partially open and causing the noise.

Last night, Angela and I were very fast asleep when the annoyance began. It was loud enough to wake us both at the same time. I mentioned that it sounded like knocking and Angela quickly sat up in bed and said in a very nice, 'you didn't wake me' tone,


It seems she was answering to whomever it was that was knocking on our door.

Its so fun being married to a sleep talker!


rob peoples said...

that it too funny.

David Rudd said...

can you hear our siding banging against the house?

Jason said...

I can picture Angela trying to sound just as sweet and alert as ever... Very funny.

Kate Rudd said...

missed you guys today..happy thanksgiving!