
The Cabin Series - Entry Four: Coming Out of View

Seeing your reflection through the ancient glass that is all warped and disfiguring can make one anxious.

Even when I try to capture all the fun and beauty of a moment, I mostly fail at pulling it all together into something that will tell the exact story years from now. This picture was taken at Niagara Falls with my Dad. I had the great idea of holding the camera out at arms length and snapping the picture - just capturing the beauty of the place and the fun with my Dad. Oh well, even if I couldn't get the picture just right, there was a tourist from Germany who did a wonderful job of capturing our whole bodies. But I'm pretty sure we can't rely on German tourists for everything.

The past few years have allowed me to be more comfortable with uncertainty in my story, in the story. I'm okay with knowing that there is a huge picture and we have the privilege to see just enough for hope.


Anonymous said...

I am curious - am I the ancient glass that is all warped and disfigured?

Kate Rudd said...

I love this picture.

It's funny - the other day, I was being chased by wild dogs and some German tourists saved me by distracting my pursuers with sausages and beer. They gave me some of the beer, too, since I was obviously shaken from the whole thing.

Anonymous said...

This is a great picture of the two most important men in my life.