
My beautiful Maya...

...just got her first pets. Two gold fish.

We think their names are "Sha-bops" and "Pee-pot." Actually, the second sounds closer to "Pol Pot" - but I'm trying to discourage that. We wouldn't want an uprising in the new fish tank.


Redbaerd said...

Do you have any idea how much I love this picture?

How it epitomizes all that I treasure most -- both in photography and life.

outrageously amazing.

(btw, I have a great short film called (I think) Pol Pot's Birthday Party that we'll have to watch together next time when I come over to meet the dictator fish and and his fifties-musical counterpart...)

Kate Rudd said...

great to see you today.
when you walk past the tank and the fish are there looking at you in that demanding way, and you wonder if they're swearing at you..
they are.

Bethany Joyful said...

Ryan - I just stumbled on this while perusing through my dad's blog - and subsequently am encountering a plethora of people I know... it is a bit swaying - I think I might just have to switch to "blogger" instead of Xanga or Myspace (both of which have lost their appeal and are seeming more juvenile by the day). Anywho...

I saw you, Ang, Daniel, his mom, Rob, and Kim the other night at the Symphony... most of you from a distance, however. I didn't know you worked there! How great!! I have to say that would be an amazing job!

So I have a bit of a question for you, since you might be a bit more knowledgeable than most in this area... We were sitting in the very front row of Upper Balcony B and we were surrounded on the left by a girl who looked like her parents dragged her there because she was a drugged up teen that needed "culture" who slept the majority of the time, from behind by two 9yr old girls who goofed around giggling for the 1st act and were yelled at throughout it and then when the second part rolled around they rustled around in their loud coats and then fell asleep snoring just loud enough to be heard over the instruments at all times lol... and the lady in front of us had HUGE hair - waaaaaaaaaaay past the 3 inch social-rule... so anyway - not like any of that had anything to do with you, but we were going to see if we couldn't change our seats and as I was looking at the seating charts I realized that Michael and I would probably prefer to be in the Orchestra B section - but when I called and originally bought our tickets the lady I talked to was adamant about not wanting to sit there. I am not quite sure why... she kept talking about how the sound was more even and how you were able to hear every instrument. True, where we are is dead center and we have a great view, but because we're both the musician type we're a bit more interested in watching the musicians play than hearing a full, detailed, perfect sound.

All that to say, "What are your thoughts on the subject?" Should we move seats? Are the Orchestra B seats really bad or something?

Feel free to respond and call me silly... lol

p.s. your daughter is GORGEOUS!

Bethany Joyful said...

haha I figured it was from you by the way it was written - thanks for the info... i'll be calling them soon, I'm sure!
I'm officially boycotting facebook, myspace, xanga, livejournal, bebo, and every other similar "network"... they're too "childish". I think I'm going to like it here - I just have to figure out how to operate the whole thing efficiently. Keep in touch!
~Bethany Joy~