
yard work today...

I had grand plans of gathering up the pine needles from the large tree in our back yard. After I had cleared the ground I was going to plant some grass seed in hopes that it would fill in the dead patches of lawn that were previously covered. Unfortunately, it is raining.


Yep, so am I.


Jason said...

I also had plans to get our and mow the yard today... Procrastinated just long enough (i.e. took a nap) until it started raining. "Sorry hun, can't mow today... Grass is wet."

So I picked up a paint roller. Again. Ah well, what's the summer for if not relaxing on a Sunday afternoon?

David Rudd said...

blog about homeschool talent show already!!!

Daniel Rudd said...

yah. Or else the rights revert to angela

Kate Rudd said...

seriously. someone has got to do the homeschooler's talent show. you can't leave us hanging like this. if you don't do it, and ang doesn't do it, i'll have to make it up.