
Dancing ain't my game...

So tonight's the night...

I'm worried! What if I'm awful?

I suddenly find myself concerned with what to wear. My leg warmers don't fit anymore... What shoes should I go with?

"My tennis shoes would be comfortable, but my nicer shoes sure would allow me to glide across the floor better."

Ang will be good at this - she is the graceful one. I am worried that I will look like a big ape - no, I think Father Bill described 'me' as a gorilla at the wedding - as I trod along the floor.

I can at least be sure of the fact that whatever it may look like I am doing, I will still be good at dancing with my wife. It turns out there really is no such thing as a bad dancer.


Ang said...

I definately think you should wear shirt number five.
Then we would match!
Thanks for a perfect present.
You are so sweet.

Wags said...

i always love it when you and i dance cheek to cheek...