
The Cabin Series - Entry Two: Being Here

It is hard not to be anxious here. “Okay, now what?” I will sometimes ask Ang after a few days here. I don’t practice this enough.


Well, as much stillness as Maya allows us. But she seems to enjoy the time away from the hundreds of hands that reach out to her and the voices that prophesy to her. A time for her to just be with the those that she needs the most right now.

I should approach my time here the same way... I’m re-learning.

1 comment:

Redbaerd said...

and taking sweet pictures!

There's something future-theraputic about taking photos at the cabin. Like bottling a bit of water from the fountain of life or keeping a rock from a favorite seashore for a talisman....

Why do I feel like I can feel wind when I look at these long white pine needles...?