I'm listening to Jack Johnson right now and thinking about how much I love Summer. Ang is laying on the couch across from me conquering her next book for the Summer. Sometimes I am slightly jealous of her extended break during these months. I envy the freedom to be able to vacate employment during the prime months of the year. She seems so free...
Over the next week I will get a glimpse of this freedom. I have taken the rest of the week (after the 4th) off. You can be guaranteed I will enjoy being free.
1 comment:
"there were so many fewer questions when stars were still just the holes to heaven"
...and you had your summers off...
I understand your envy, my friend. It is difficult for me to know that Erica is spending time with friends and at our home while I sit in a cubicle with much less than a view of the mountains. And who better to remind us of the feeling of freedom than Jack Johnson?
Hope to see you soon... Probably at another wedding somewhere along the way (I hear another one is coming in a year).
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